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Indian Nations > Indian Nations Post War
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The post offices in the Indian Nations after the Civil War ended, continued to use "ARK" or "CN" in their town marks until the "Indian Territory" was organized and "IT" became the locus identifier for all the post offices in Oklahoma.  Posted here are covers from the period roughly from June 1865 to 1870 with the former identifiers.

Usages of the 1869 issue are listed in a separate table at the bottom of this page.

New covers added 2023-03-08

 Indian Nations covers post war Minimize
 Post OfficeSorted By Post Office In Ascending OrderDateDestinationCommentCover Scan & Source
A-to-KA, CN1868-04-28Crawfordville, GeorgiaMs town and date, pen cancelled Scott #65A-to-ka CN 1868-04-28 RSiegel Sale1088Lot91.jpg
Boggy Depot C.N.1869-01-19TexasAuction description onlyBoggy Depot CN 1-19-1869 ms on U59 text only AZimmerman_Sale21_Lot190.jpg
Creek Agency1869-05-19Not ClearMs town and date, pen cancelled 3 cent grillCreek Agency 5-19-1869 3c Rose Grill AZimmerman_Sale21_Lot196.jpg
Fort Arbuckle Ark1870-12-29Not ClearBlack CDS , Black cork cancels 3 cent BanknoteFort Arbuckle AR 1870-12-29 NutmegSale174 Lot2426.jpg
Fort Arbuckle Ark186x-04-22Fort Gibson, CNBlack CDS , Black cork cancels Scott #65Fort ArbuckleAR 186x-04-22 to Ft Gibson eBay20181114.jpg
Fort Gibson Ark186x-04-05Not ClearBlack CDS , Black cork cancels Scott #65fort gibson 4-5-186x w 65 dkelleher_sale578_lot3213.jpeg
Fort Gibson Ark186x-08-29Not ShownBlack CDS, cork cancel on pair of #65Fort Gibson 8-29-186x on Pair 65 AZimmerman_Sale52_Lot95.jpeg
Fort Gibson Ark186x-09-06Webbers Falls, CNAuction description only, use of 5c Brown Scott #95Fort Gibson 9-6-186x 5c Brown 95 DKelleher_Sale578_Lot3217.jpg
Fort Gibson Ark186x-10-11Not ClearBlack CDS , Black cork cancels Scott #65Fort Gibson 10-11-186x No 65 from Danville MA EHines_NetPrice_2001.jpg
Fort Gibson Ark187x-03-29Creek Agency, Creek NationBlack CDS , Black cork cancels 3 cent BanknoteFort Gibson 187x-03-29 on National BN to Tullahassee Creek Nation ebay 5-20-10.jpg
Fort Gibson Ark186x-03-22Dayton, OhioBlack CDS, cork cancel on pink 3c envelopeFort Gibson AR 186x-03-22 Nutmeg_Sale174_Lot2162.jpg
Fort Gibson Ark186x-06-14Dayton, OhioBlack CDS, cork cancel on pink 3c envelopeFort Gibson AR 186x-06-14 Nutmeg_Sale174_Lot2160.jpg
Fort Gibson Ark186x-10-1Westerly, Rhode IslandBlack CDS , Pen cancel on #65Fort Gibson AR 186x-10-01 eBay20210510.jpg
Fort Gibson Ark186x-11-09Westerly, Rhode IslandBlack CDS , Black cork cancels Scott #65Fort Gibson AR 186x-11-09 to RI eBay20210510.jpg
Fort Gibson Ark186x-12-05Westerly, Rhode IslandBlack CDS , Black cork cancels Scott #65Fort Gibson AR 186x-12-05 eBay20210510.jpg
Fort Gibson Ark1868-02-13Mystic Bridge, ConnecticutBlack CDS, Black Target cancel on 3c grillFort Gibson AR 1868-02-13 w grilled 3c to Conn SRumsey_Sale44_Lot1249.jpg
Fort Gibson Ark1868-03-10Mystic Bridge, ConnecticutBlack CDS, Black Target cancel on 3c grillFort Gibson AR 1868-03-10 to Conn SRumsey_Sale44_Lot1248.jpg
Fort Gibson CN1866-04-20Bethlehem, PennsylvaniaMs town and date, cork cancel on Scott #65Fort Gibson 4-20-1866 Nutmeg_Sale181_Lot3062.jpg
Fort Sill Ark187x-02-15New York, New YorkOn 3c Green stationaryFort Sill ARK 187x-02-15 to New York Kewriga APS Sale 20240817.jpeg
Fort Sill, Ark187x-01-02Middleton, WisconsinAuction description only, 3c green Scott 147Fort Sill Ark 1-2-187x no photo DKelleher_Sale578_Lot3261.jpg
Scullyville, CN1869-12-19Boggy Depot CNMS town and date, pen cancel on 3 x 3c #65Scullyville CN 1869-12-12 RSiegel Sale1088Lot97.jpg
Spring Bluff, CN1869-01-13Boggy Depot CNMs town and date, pen cancelled 3 cent grillSpring Bluff CN 1869-06-11 grilled 3c Wash Schuyler Rumsey_Sale31_Lot401.jpg
Tahlequah ArkNot shownBryars Creek, CNBlack CDS, Black Target cancel on 3c #65Talequah circ 1865 #65 tied ebay 3-28-10.jpg
Webbers Falls, CN1878-01-03Tahlequah, C.N.Ms town and date, pen cancelled block of 6 1 cent banknotes. Very late use of CN in postmarkWebers Falls CN 1878-01-03 Block of 6 1c BN eBay20221020.png

 Use of 1869 issue to and from Indian Nations Minimize
 Post OfficeSorted By Post Office In Ascending OrderDateDestinationCommentCover Scan and Source
Atoka, CN1869-10-11Fort Valley, GeorgiaMs town name and date, pen cancelled 3c 1869Atoka CN 1869-10-11 RSiegel_Sale1004_Lot76.jpg
Creek Agency, C.N.1870-01-25Dayton, OhioMs town name and date, pen cancelled 3c 1869Creek Agency CN 1870-01-25 CristiesRL19901010 Lot81.jpg
Creek Agency, C.N.1870-06-11Dayton, OhioMs town name and date, pen cancelled 3c 1869Creek Agency CN 1870-06-11 SothebyPB S-26 Lot686.jpg
Creek Agency, I.T.1869-12-17Dayton, OhioMs town name and date, pen cancelled 3c 1869Creek Agency IT 1869-12-17 RSiegel_Sale_927_Lot_1034.jpg
Fort Gibson, Ark186x-05-01Creek Agency, Creek NationBlack CDS cork cancel on 3 c 1869Fort Gibson 5-1-1869 or 70 3c 1869 BRoberts Collection.jpg
Fort Gibson, Ark186x-03-02Not ShownBlack CDS cork cancel on 3 c 1869Fort Gibson 186x-03-02 SothebyPB S-26 Lot687.jpg
Fort Gibson, Ark186x-05-20Dayton, OhioBlack CDS cork cancel on 3 c 1869Fort Gibson 186x-05-20 #114 SPB SaleS-24 Lot153.jpg
Fort Gibson, Ark186x-06-02Dayton, OhioAuction Description onlyFort Gibson 186x-06-02 114 RSiegel 797 kot1736.pdf
Greenville, Ohio1869-05-23Creek Agency, Creek NationBlack CDS cork cancel on 3 c 1869Greenville OH 5-23 to Creek Agency 3c 1869 BRoberts Collection.jpg
Micco, CN1870-03-28Lewisburg, ArkansasMs town name and date, pen cancelled 3c 1869Micco CN 3-28-1870 3c 1869 BRoberts Collection.jpg
Muskogee, MU186x-05-06Creek Agency, Creek NationMs town name and date, pen cancelled 3c 1869Muskogee to Creek Agency 186x-05-06 RSeigel 1054Lot608.jpg
Pagons Creek, CN186x-11-17Tahlequah, CNMs town name and date, pen cancelled 3c 1869Pagons Creek CN 186x-11-17 SPB S-24 Lot154.jpg
Rock Hill, Texas1869-70-12-27Tahlequah, CNBlack CDS cork cancel on 3 c 1869Rock Hill TX 1869-70 to Stand Watie Tahlequa Cherokee Nation eBay20200717.jpg
Tahlequah, Ark1869-70-04-09Webbers Falls, C.N.Black CDS pen cancel on 3 c 1869Tahlequah AR 1869 or 70-04-09 JMilgram Collection 5-9-11.jpg